are getting so darn big. I don't have too many current photos of them together so we took advantage of the nice fall weather that we are having and went out to Pine Island and took some pictures. I got about 28 shots and maybe 5 of them turned out really well. I love a few of them more than the others, but overall I was really satisfied with the pictures. I wish there were several different places that I could take them to get photos, but there really isn't. They had a lot of fun running around and I can't believe how they always seem to run in a different direction from each other. I bet half of the pictures that I took actually only have one of them and then half of the other. This picture here is one of my favorites and actually wasn't posed. They were staring at the rocks and birds and the lack of water due to low winter tide. They just look really cute in this picture, even though you can't see their faces. Guess it is an artistic picture. Overall it was a good way to spend an hour and then we came home and made cookies.
Cookies were a whole different story. They also took about an hour or so and they were a mess. Logan had fun and that should be enough for me, but I really hate baking and he makes me so aggravated when we bake. He can't keep his little hands still and he has to do everything and I know that it is normal for his age and that I should enjoy it, but I don't. Anyways, I did the mom thing and we dyed the cookie dough to match the pumpkins and black cat and bat. So we have orange pumpkins with orange sugar sprinkles and then black cats with black sugar sprinkles and then finally black bats with purple sugar sprinkles. Tomorrow we are making white ghost and we are icing them and who knows what kind of sprinkles they will get. I guess what is important is that Logan had fun and he doesn't know how much I dread making cookies. Now when Christmas comes and we make chocolate covered pretzels and Oreos, I have a grand time. I love making that kind of stuff with him, it just baking cookies that drives me nuts. Oh well, we did and we'll do it again and again. As for now I need to go and make dinner so then I can go to work. JOY, JOY, JOY!
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